Wednesday, August 4, 2010

sugar rockets 2!

An update on the rockets!  Despite our recent attempt to make rockets, we failed (epically) in the engine department, so i decided to try again, and try a little harder and according to the instructions this time


This time I made the nozzle out of real bentonite clay.  Since I still cant find a direct supply of the stuff, I had to find a place where it was a key ingredient in!  Such a thing as kitty litter!!  ironically, the lowest quality stuff is the only kind that has pure clay product in it which I assume is pure bentonite clay!!
The only problem with kitty litter is that it comes in chunks too big to ram into nozzles, so i put a handful in a blender and waited till it was a fine mesh powder.  using this clay I formed nozzles correctly and drilled them to both the normal configuration and Bates grain configuration.  As for the nozzle drill, instead of making 2 drills, i just put the smaller bit in the other side!
As per the instructions, I got a REAL (small) electric skillet and cooked another (10min) small batch, just enough for 4 motors, 3 filled and one slug for testing
According to directions, the proper way to fill the engines is to pre-shape the propellant in a mold, core the grain and let it cool.  Then I put the grains in the motor, add aluminum foil to seal the grain from the nozzle and epoxy the smoke grain to inhibit it properly, which may have caused it to fail in the previous try.
The nose cone of my rocket also is finished the correct way with a wooden insert to aid in parachute ejection

So with the propellant I made 2 regular motors and 1 bates grain motor!
As for the flights, only 1 engine failed to light!  The other 2 worked flawlessly, except for the fact that the parachute failed to open and had 2 lawn darts!  Unfortunately i was too excited to take any photos or videos, but the second time around, both configurations worked flawlessly, Both had enough thrust to get at least 500 feet and both had solid smoke trails, although both failed to eject parachutes!

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